Monday, July 30, 2012

Report: Beer consumption in Ireland declined 1% in 2011

The Irish Brewers' Association says 2011 showed a marginal decline in Irish domestic beer consumption, with the average person in Ireland drinking 86 litres – the equivalent of 151 pints – of beer last year. That's down from the figures for 2010, which showed an average consumption of 91 litres, or 160 pints. 2010 had seen consumption rise marginally from 2009, when it had stood at 90 litres (158.5 pints).


Supporters Of Marijuana Decriminalization In Springfield, MO Short On Signatures

Supporters of a measure in Springfield, Missouri to decriminalize small amounts of cannabis are short on signatures to get the issue voted on, and they are running out of time.

The city clerk's office says petition organizers need another 649 signatures before the initiative can go before the city council. They have until Aug. 7 to collect those signatures.

Petition organizer Maranda Reynolds says the group, Show-Me Cannabis, still hopes to have the issue before the council at its Aug. 13 meeting.

420times 000015958339XSmall1 150x150 Supporters Of Marijuana Decriminalization In Springfield, MO Short On SignaturesThe Springfield News-Leader reports ( the petition would reduce the penalty for having 35 grams or less of marijuana, to a fine, community service or counseling.

The city council can vote the initiative into law or to put it on the November ballot.

If you live in Springfield, MO or know someone who does, spread the word. Any measures that will help keep cannabis users out of jail are worthwhile.

Joe Klare

Step up and help out the community folks!

Supporters Of Marijuana Decriminalization In Springfield, MO Short On Signatures is a post from: The 420 Times